5. HOW (part 2)? - THE DETAILS
Creating a plan without an execution element is a waste of time because without it very little is going to happen, and probably not according to plan.
A plan needs to have:
COA’s, goals, and tasks (see details below)
Due dates
Leaders - the people responsible for executing the various elements
An effective growth plan also needs to:
Be aligned with the leadership team’s values and motivations
Lead towards the dream, even if not in a straight line
Take into consideration the starting point and the SWOT
To start creating your plan list the maximum number of COA’s that is practically doable in the next 12 months. There is little point in planning for a more distant future due to the changes in the environment that might make such plans obsolete when the time comes to execute them. For any organisation it can’t be more than 5-6 targets. Small organisations might have
to focus on 3-4.
Assign a leader for each COA. Again, the leader does not necessarily execute it, they are simply accountable for it and may harness others to execute various parts.
Next, identify the building blocks of each COA - the quarterly goals that need to be achieved in order to complete the COA by the end of the year. Some may be actioned in one quarter while others might continue over more than one. Assign a leader for each goal.
Finally, zoom in to specific tasks that need to be performed each week in the first quarter of the plan. Assign a leader for each task.
Every week review the tasks of the previous week to ensure all have been met, or readjust the plan to reflect any changes. At the end of the quarter review the previous quarter goals, make changes if necessary and plan the weekly tasks for the next quarter.
Remember - everything you did thus far is not going to yield the results you want if you fail to execute the plan week-in, week-out so be diligent.
There are going to be disruptions - you do have a business to run and life doesn't stop, but be quick to regroup if and when emergencies derail the plan.
Good Luck!